For a long time now Grace has used the term "stand-up dress". It is a phrase she came up with and it is heard in my home every. single. day. Grace likes to wear dresses. But not just any dress, it must be a "stand-up dress" A stand up dress twirls. It passes the stand up have to be able to lift the dress so your arm is horizontal and the fabric stands up. See photo below:
This dress from
Doll Up My Doll passes the stand up dress test for sure.
Oh silly Mulan. You do NOT pass the stand up dress test. You are hardly a princess.
Slice of Heaven Dress is a pass!
Grace would welcome this Rose Garden dress from
Francoise Lama-Solet Studio
and this stand up dress from
Sweetie Pie Design is sweet indeed. :)
My mom and I were cracking up at Grace last week. My mom was kind enough to be offering a new dress or two from Target for Grace, and Grace would not give a second glance to one single dress. She would perform the "stand up" arm test, the dress would fail, and Grace would walk away.
Here is Grace about 2 years ago...already doing the stand-up dress check
This one passed :)